対抗戦を終えて・金鹿の学級 The Mock Battle (Golden Deer)
(大広間 夕方)
Reception Hall | Afternoon
クロード: お疲れさん、先生。鮮やかな勝利だったな。
Claude: Great work, Teach! That was a brilliant win.
Choice1 勝てて良かった I’m glad we won.
クロード: あれだけの采配を振れるなら、俺の策と組み合わさる奇跡の瞬間を見たかったよ。
Claude: I’ve been anticipating that magic moment when your tactics and my schemes entwined, and you did not disappoint.
That composed expression you always sport like a permanent mask is a perfect complement to my ruthless schemes. That’s a joke, of course. Mostly.
Choice2 皆のおかげだ Everyone did well.
クロード: 自分の指揮を棚に上げて生徒を褒めるとは、まさに先生の鑑……まったく出来たお人だ。
Claude: Huh. Playing ignorant as to the quality of your command and deflecting the praise to your students. You really are a model professor, Teach.
クロード: 実を言うと万一に備えて、薬の他にもいろいろと策を用意していたんだが……。
Claude: To be honest, I had a bunch of other schemes planned as well, just in case the situation called for it.
But I didn’t have to resort to any of them. I suppose our opponents lucked out.
ローレンツ: 先生、貴方/貴女の腕前、しかと見せてもらった。なかなかの用兵だったんじゃないか?
Lorenz: Well met, Professor! The breadth of your skill was on full display today. I must admit that your tactics were masterful.
I shudder to think what may have transpired had it been Claude leading us into battle.
ラファエル: オデも感心したぞ! 先生に言われたとおり動いただけで勝てたんだからなあ。
Raphael: I noticed that too! We just did what you told us, and we won! I love it!
リシテア: 元騎士団長に教えを受けてきただけありますね。勉強になりました、先生。
Lysithea: As expected from a child of the former captain of the knights. Thank you for today, Professor. I have much to consider.
ヒルダ: うんうん、流石ーって感じでしたよー!ね、マリアンヌちゃん?
Hilda: I never doubted that our professor would be amazing! It was way too obvious. Don’t you agree, Marianne?
マリアンヌ: え?あ、あの……はい。
Marianne: Huh? Me? Oh, um, yes. Of course. Well done, Professor.
レオニー: ジェラルト師匠から教えを受けたなら、これくらいはできて当然だと思うけどね。
Leonie: Captain Jeralt taught his child well. It would have been more of a surprise had our professor proved lacking.
イグナーツ: あはは……レオニーさんは辛口ですね。とにかく勝てたのは先生のおかげですよ。
Ignatz: Don't you think it’s a bit harsh to give Jeralt all of the credit, Leonie? In any case, it’s clear that we only won because of our new mentor’s guidance.
クロード: ああ、実戦で鍛えられた傭兵の知恵と技をみんな肌で感じられたんじゃないか?
Claude: A mercenary’s wisdom and techniques are forged in battle. Those are the sorts of things you can only learn through experience. Right, Teach?
But more importantly, it’s time to celebrate our victory! Teach here has yet to try my well renowned home cooking.
クロード: さ、早く戻ろうぜ。実は食堂からくすねた5年物の乾酪を……
Claude: I really do hope you’ll join us. After all, I swiped some finely aged cheese from the dining hall for just this occasion.